200 followers FACE REVEAL!


hey everyone! i hit 200 followers today and i literally screamed! thank you so so so so much, everybody, it truly means so much to me! and a special thank-you to my regular commenters who take the time to read my posts and leave a sweet comment every day. 🙂 down below, i am posting a picture of my face for the first time…eeeeek!

before anything else, here’s some stats:


top commenters:

samantha, loren, and olivehiddenhollow

most recent follower:

a human 

(no, i’m not trying to be sarcastic, that’s her wordpress username. XD)

views from: 

the united states, united kingdom, malaysia, india, bosnia and herzegovina, canada, nepal, and australia.

ok, ok! i promise i’m ready now!



















































keep scrolling….
































































here it is….


armed with my trusty camera….hehe.


thank you again for 200 followers! i’m not in this for the followers, and never have been, and i’m so happy that 200 human beings love this website so much! ❤ blogging has allowed me to make so many new friends, and i’m telling the truth when i say that my face lights up every time i get a new comment or blog notification. a big thank you, again!

lots of love to everyone reading this! ♥♥♥



p.s. THANK YOU! xo

updates+autumn photography



-i recently watched the book of life for the first time, and it’s. so. good. i love it- it’s probably one of my favorite animated movies of all time.

-guys!! i’m soooo close to 200 followers! thank you guys so much! i know a lot of people have more followers than me, but really, 200 people in the world that love my content and come here to read it- it means a ton!  i’m currently at 196 and i’m really hoping to get to 200 before halloween so i can show you guys my costume…. can we do it??

rip to my youth by the neighborhood is a great song (i feel like all i ever post about is music and photography haha)

-i know most of my blogger friends are doing nanowrimo this year, and although i’m not participating, i wish you all the best of luck!  i know you guys will do great. eats lots of chocolate. writing a novel is not an easy task, but it will be worth it! lots of love to you writers!

i’ve taken wayy too many pictures of this tree, but oml the orange color is so prettyyy.

i’m always trying to get photos from different angles, because looking at photographs of things straight on can be a bit boring. for this one, i went under the tree, positioned the camera right next to the branch, and tilted it upwards.


rain is so pretty asdjfkl.
it’s like a rainbow!
me trying to be artsy…

ooh, i like the little blurred-light-circle thing.

these poisonberries are such a bright, beautiful red!  i kinda want to eat them…but i shouldn’t….

favorites? let me know!


i let my brother write a post for me…

hi guys! so i had the brilliant idea to let my brother, who was featured in this post awhile back, type an entire post for me…… we’ll see how this goes. Let’s call my bro “S”, by the way, so we don’t always have to refer to him as “my brother”. XD

Ok, fatty S is taking over from here!

Sonnet #6120 (Ode to a Fat Sister)


my sister is fat, fat-fat-f-fat,

her stomach has no end.

she is the worst kind of fat, in fact a brat.

her belly doth extend.

sitting in class her mind doth stray,

dreaming of feasts and swimming in grease.

she speaks of foods and eating all day,

causing me to fret for she may be obese

her hunger is never satisfied,

on the table, she sees her prize,

a pile of candy doth abide.

“alas,” she thought, “i wish it were fries”

into her stomach the food goes

as the fat spreads from head to toes




*rolling of eyes* *death glares*

Ok I hate my brother.

*facepalm* why did i let him do this????

hopefully that was entertaining it wasn’t for me!





nature’s first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold.


(title from: nothing gold can stay//poem by robert frost)


my family and i went to downtown yesterday. it was nice to spend time with all of them and to go around taking pictures. i like to think that some of these are artsy. XD

(i used allison’s photo prompt for this one- arrange leaves in rainbow order. cute idea, allison. 🙂 )


(see the rainbow??) 😀

on my mom’s office rooftop.
people kept staring- my dad was just squatting down taking pictures of me doing cartwheels. ’twas funny.
oooooh, the camera did the sunlight-circle-thing!
i like how this one turned out. i kind of just snapped it randomly, but if you look closely, you can see a plane flying overhead, and the cool shape of the cloud.

these stairs just look cool.
and of course, i had to get starbucks. i got the artsiest and the most basic thing on the menu- the pink drink. 😛 but it’s healthier than my usual choices, and it was really good. yum.

life updates


– sleeping at last is my new favorite band.

– i’m being a mermaid for halloween. what are you guys being?

-the sevvies on my bus are really loud. (they’re currently slapping eachother with the seat belts)

-i filled up a page in my math notebook with song lyrics. it’s my greatest achievement.

-oml i love my friends. i love telling horrible jokes, laughing until i can’t breathe, and playfully insulting my friends at our lunch table. i feel so alive when I’m with you all. love you guys. 🙂

– i’m going to be in high school next year and AAAAAAAAAAH. I AM NOT READYYY.

destiny is overrated.

last week, i went outside in the dead of night to take pictures. my neighbor’s dog kept barking at me- i think i scared him. XD my neighbor actually came outside and was like, “are you taking pictures??”

“ummm. yes.”

OOH, rain.

destiny is overrated, so i think i’ll write my own

(reflections//forever the sickest kids)

science class has messed me uppp. i almost wrote “density is overrated”. I AM SO TIRED.



thoughts on loneliness

friday nights are supposed to be epic- being a break from school, and all. fridays are reserved for hanging out with friends, partying, staying up late, just doing something fun. while most people i know are doing that, i’m at home just….sitting. i could’ve gone to the high school football game, but football bores me and it’s rainy. I kind of just want to do something. lately I’ve been feeling…kind of like a loser because i never have any fun plans, and my friends are busy most of the time. like, i get it, people have lives. but sometimes you just can’t stop yourself from feeling lonely.

the worst feeling of loneliness comes when people don’t want to be around you, or you feel like they don’t. like sometimes it’s a very small thing, like “i’m busy right now”, but it still hits me hard. does that make any sense?

another feeling of loneliness-feeling like no one cares. obviously there are going to be times when you feel like the whole world is against you. and while that’s usually not true, it definitely does suck. or like when you just want to scream and complain, but no one wants to listen, or you’re too shy to do so.

for me everything’s this cycle. i’m upset and stressed. i need to get things out of my system. friends are too busy. family’s too busy. no one’s available to talk. i don’t want to be clingy. so i just try and pass the time.

i seem confident and happy all the time- but. i’m. not. no one is.

“alone is a way to be. it’s being by yourself when nobody else is around. and it can be good or bad. and it can be a choice. when my mom and my brother are working, i’m alone, but i don’t mind it. but being lonely is never a choice. it’s not about who is with you or not. you can feel lonely when you’re alone, but the worst kind of loneliness is when you’re in a room full of people, but you’re still alone. or you feel like you are, anyway.” 

-fish in a tree by lynda mullaly hunt


my favorite song just came on-i’m going to go try doing some nighttime photography. 🙂


rutvi ❤