Describe Me Challenge

Hi! I’ve been nominated by the amazing Samantha for the Describe Me Challenge! Thank ya very much. *hands you cake*

describe me challenge

(I’m pretty sure this was made by Loren)

Here we go!

Choose one song that describes you.

Wow, how did you know I’d choose a Taylor Swift song? XD I love the songs Teardrops On My Guitar, The Best Day, Fifteen, Fearless, and Speak Now. That was a lot…I guess The Best Day is one I can sort of relate to. The others are just songs I like.

Choose one outfit that describes your  fashion tastes. 

That. xD

Choose one meal that describes your taste for food.




Mushroom stroganoff from Noodles and Company is THE BEST. Fetuccine alfredo is also verrrrryyyy yummy. 😉

Oh, and can’t forget dessert. Literally any dessert is fine with me.

Choose one Book that describes your taste in books.

Positively Beautiful (see my review here) or HARRY POTTER!!!!!!


After all this time? ALWAYS.

LOL, this has nothing to do with this post, but LOOK HOW FUNNY THIS IS I CAN’T BREATHE. HELP.

 funny, hogwart, malfoy, potterhead, snape, voldemort, ️harry potter


Choose one quote that describes what you want for your life.

I’m trying to realize this by myself, and it’s hard, but hey, when is anything ever easy?

This is beautiful. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but I got a chance to be in the school play this year (RATS! The Story of The Pied Piper) and I chose to do Stage Crew instead of acting. Now I REALLY wish I had acted, because even though Stage Crew was a blast too, we didn’t get enough credit for it. Our school takes a picture of the Cast and Crew of the school play each year to display the photo in the halls. Crew wasn’t in it.  I was scared about memorizing lines, and I’d memorized almost every line in the play!

I nominate…

Zielle {My homeschool Notebook}

Bella {Book Sweet}

Grace {The Girl Upstairs}

Miri {Writing on a Whim}

Julia {Julia’s Journey}

See ya’ll later.





I’ve been delaying my writing challenge because I haven’t had enough people enter. SO sorry. 😦 Several people said they’d like to enter but didn’t have a blog, but now you can enter! I created an email address so you can send me your stories and still be part of a team.

So check out this post and comment your team preference!


Some Writing

I’ve been working on a story. It’s getting pretty long, and it just might be my next book… 😉 but not a children’s book this time. It’s a bit sad, and there’s lots of action. It’ll be more like a novel. Here’s one part.

I felt a pain that was strong enough to cut me down. Knowing Pheobe was dying aroused something inside me, a monster, and I knew I couldn’t lose her, it was something more than losing a friend, I’d already been through that. I was losing a family member.

If you knew the whole story, and you happen to get kind of emotional sometimes, you might cry. 😛 What did you think?

P.S. I’m sitting outside writing this post. 🙂 Here’s a pic.

P.P.S. Has anyone heard the song ‘The Best Day’ by Taylor Swift? I’m listening to it right now. It’s so amazing. 💜image

Thanks for reading!


Book Review: Positively Beautiful

Here I am again with another book review!

Before you ask, this is NOT a book about being popular and shallow and the media’s idea of beauty.Untitled

Maybe that’s why I liked it so much. A lot of books targeted at girls my age are about that, and I get it, like, middle schoolers are always trying to be like the ‘cool’ kids, and Echosmith even wrote a whole song about it. IT DOESN’T MATTER. Especially if you’re Erin. (The MC in this book)

Another thing I liked about this book is that it doesn’t have a predictable, classic happy ending: I was getting tired of reading books like that. It’s unique. It’s about a real girl with real struggles, and about Erin finding herself. It’s on a topic that is sad but true, and thee emotions are incredible.

Positively Beautiful

(You might notice that I chose pink for the text. It’s not because it’s a pretty color. Keep reading)

Erin’s life is a before and after picture. Before are all the good memories. After is reality, and the cold, hard truth. When Erin’s mom is diagnosed with breast cancer, her life turns upside down. The two have always been there for each other. But suddenly nothing else matters. Graduation? It’s the last thing on Erin’s mind. College? No. School? Friends? (both are pretty awful at the moment) What she is thinking about is keeping her mom alive, and sometimes she is so scared but she can’t give up, because if she does then so will her mom, and she is not ready for that. Erin takes up flying so that she has an outlet, so that she can find something else to focus on. Her father was a pilot, and she loved watching the planes fly. It’s an amazing feeling. One day everything goes wrong. Erin finds out she has the BCRA mutation, meaning she could get cancer. Her mom isn’t getting better, and she just can’t take it. School is horrible, and she needs to get away from everything. A plane ride quickly turns into a crash-landing in the middle of nowhere, but she doesn’t care-she is too worried for her mom, too worried about herself. Will she have to cut off her breasts to avoid cancer? And will she live? What is going to happen to her, and what about her life? Erin has met a girl online. Someone just like her, who has the mutation, whose sister might have it too. She finds herself pouring out her story to the girl, Ashley. When she’s all alone, she calls her, hanging on to her last thread of hope. Quickly finding out that Ashley, this girl she thinks she’s been talking to is a boy, she is confused. The boy’s name is Jason and he practically saved her life. He has the mutation. (yes, that is possible.) His little sister Ashley has a possibility of having it too, and he doesn’t want to think about death-he wants to live. But it’s so hard to live knowing how you might die. He shows Erin his calm place, his island.

Erin might be falling in love with Jason, and he can’t help but fall in love with her a little bit too. But wait. Jason said he would never fall in love, because when you do, you will lose them, and it just hurts too much. Erin loves Jason’s family, but she needs to go home, her mother needs her. Upon arriving back in Atlanta, she is a mess of tears, missing Jason and crying for her mom. The cancer is getting worse and Erin’s mom is going to die soon, and there is no one who understands it other than Jason. Who lives in Florida. But he comes back, just for Erin. “Life is too short to waste by yourself when you love someone.” He says. So he does love Erin. And she is losing everything, and what is so sweet is that he is there, and he will be there, even when something this scary is happening. That’s what it means to be brave. Really and truly. Eventually it is time for her let go, to face the world without her mother. Jason made it possible. She is living her life to the fullest, living today like there is no tomorrow, because she truly doesn’t know if there will be. Cancer is not going to takeover her life again. She is strong, she is smart, she is positively beautiful.

 So that was a rather long summary, but I had to tell you about all the wonderful things in this book. It is unbelievable. It was beautifully written, and I 100% recommend it. It is worthy of tears. It’s that good. image.jpeg

I think 800+ words is quite a lot, so I’ll stop here.

Does this book sound like something you would read?


I Dare You! {Tag}

Hi! I’ve made up a tag/award thing. So basically what I’m going to do is come up with 3 blog-related dares (See below) and then tag five people. If you’ve been tagged, you have to (well, you can choose to) do the dares. You have to do all of them or none. 🙂 Then, after you do your dares, you get to come up with your own!

Make sense? 🙂 I tag…






Your dares are…

  1. Find a post with the most adorable pictures you’ve ever seen and comment without using the word ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’.
  2. Write a poem called, “Ode to food” and post it.
  3. Write a post without using an exclamation mark.

I know those are hard, and, uh, sorry? (who am I kidding, I can’t wait to see these. XD )

Any questions?

Ready, set…IDAREYOU.jpg

Have fun!

P.S. One last reminder to sign up for my writing contest. 🙂



Soccer Logic 101

Hi! So, soccer season is over, ( 😦 ) but I’ve noticed some weird things I do being a soccer player, even off the field. If you play soccer, get ready to relate, or if you don’t, well, enjoy and laugh at some of these things! 😉 SO, folks, I bring you…soccerlogic101.jpgFirst thing. If I see a soccer ball, I will kick it. And I don’t care whose it is. I will do it just to satisfy my need to kick something. And I can’t be the only one.

Next…putting my hair in a high ponytail makes me feel more ‘official’ during a soccer game. It’s weird but it works.

Oh, and on the topic of hair, let’s talk about hairbands! You know the ones that say no-slip? Well, they do slip, and then my hair gets in my face and then I slip. Not cool.

If you’re not a regular goalie, you’ve probably prayed for your coach not to make you goalie during a game because you don’t want your teammates to hate you.

You hate tucking your jersey in so you tie a little ponytail on the side instead. LOL

Next thing: You’ve always hoped someone would bring one of these to your games: football-fanatic-d-fence-custom-laser-die-cut-91.jpg


Oh, and here’s another weird thing: when there’s mud on the soccer field, I twist around on the heel of my cleats to make a little hole in the ground. It’s strangely addicting. 

XD Hope some of you can relate to these! Also,



More news: I made this thing and I think it will be my new button. Sosugarsweet.jpg

I made it on Picmonkey. 🙂 It took me FOREVER to find the right png of a girl reading! XD

WHELP, got to go watch Spongebob. Byeeeeeee.





Book Review: Becoming Naomi León

I went to the library recently and picked up a few books. Becoming Naomi León was one of them- my class had read Esperanza Rising (also an amazing book) and my friend read this one. Her class even got to do soap carving! :O

Here’s a summary I wrote.

Naomi Leon has a lot of problems. Her clothes, (sewn in polyester by her loving grandmother, whom she lives with) her classmates, her inability to make her voice heard. Another life -changing problem walks in the door of Baby Beluga. Her mother, Skyla Jones, who abandoned Naomi and Owen seven years ago. The only thing in her life she has to hold on to is her soap carving. It channels her energy, vents her anger, and allows her to create-make things how she wants them to be. Skyla starts out being oh-so-sweet, but soon Naomi and her family find out the truth about her. She threatens Naomi and is nothing like a mother to Owen. When forced to flee to Mexico, Naomi develops questions about her father. Turns out finding someone else helps you to know who you really are, too.

The cover of the book:



Here’s a little description of Naomi from Amazon. I always thought that the biggest trial in my life was my name, Naomi Guadalupe Zamora Outlaw, but little did I know that it was the least of my problems, or that someday I would live up to it.

I can honestly say that I loved reading this. Naomi is SUCH an inspiring character.

Different Emotions while reading the book:

Skyla infuriated me. 😡

Naomi inspired me. O:-)

Owen made me laugh. XD

Gram made me think. :3

Some parts made me go, “Awwww!” and some made me want to throw something. (At Skyla, of course.) Okay, I know you might say, “Chill!” But if you’ve read the book, I’m sure you’d  feel the same way. Skyla is straight up mean to Owen.

Overall, I definitely do recommend this book! Becoming Naomi Leon is amazing and it captured my attention and opened my eyes a little bit. 🙂

Should I do more book reviews?

Have you ever read this book?Summersign-off


The Blogger’s Fantasy Notebook: Writing Challenge 

Hey! I’d like to introduce you to FNWC! Yes, that’s right, I’m hosting a writing camp. So, it’s pretty much similar to any other one, such as CWWC or AAWC. 🙂


-Each week you will be given a set of five prompts. You can choose to use only one or all of them; the more prompts you use, the more points you earn for your team.

-If you want to participate, comment, “I want to participate in The Blogger’s Fantasy Notebook!” Also, say what team you would want to be on. I can’t make any promises though! 😉

-Post the story on your blog before the deadline given.

-You can use your team name in your story for extra points

So, you’re probably wondering about the teams. Here they are…

Team Lions.jpgTeam Gazelle.jpg

Team Emerald.jpg

Team Dragons.jpg

Team Stars.jpg



PLEASE SPREAD THIS AROUND! I’d love to get a lot of participants, and it will hopefully be fun for all those writers out there. :3


Any questions? I’d be happy to answer them. 🙂

Sayonara! 😛


Experimenting {Photography}

Hello! I haven’t done a photography post in a while, so that’s what today’s post is. Normally, while taking pictures, I stand close to the object and try to focus it better without zooming too much. So while taking these, I stood farther away and used my zoom. I can notice a difference with this, can you?

DSC06084.JPGThis is our neighbor’s dog, Olive. Isn’t she cute? I must say, though, she barks a lot!

DSC06053.JPGDSC06112.JPGI tried to get a picture of the bee…good thing I wasn’t standing too close to it. (I don’t like bees very much)

DSC06097.JPGHere’s another photo of Olive. I was standing in my yard and zoomed all the way in to get this photo! I think Olive is a black lab, but I’m not sure…


Which picture was your favorite?

What kind of post do you want to see next?
